The BDRC provides the following Resources for Researchers
Professional Journals
A list of professional journals that publish articles related to Bangladesh development issues;
Professional Journals
that typically only publish studies relevant for Bangladeshi development issues
(For other professional development journals that do not limit themselves to Bangladesh development issues, please
see: Selected International Development Journals)
Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development
Published by Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP), (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
(The) Bangladesh Accountant
Published by Editorial Board of the Council, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB),
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
Bangladesh Development Research Working Paper Series (BDRWPS)
Published by Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC) (Falls Church, VA, USA)
Current frequency: irregular (first Working Paper issued in April 2008)
Bangladesh Development Studies
Published by Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, (Dhaka)
Latest issue published: Vol. 30, No. 1-2 (March-June 2004)
Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology
Published by University of Dhaka, (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Bangladesh Economic Review
Published by Economic Adviser's Wing, Finance Division, Ministry of finance, Government of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh, (Dhaka)
Current frequency: unknown
[Note: the "Bangladesh Economic Review" was also the predecessor of
the "Bangladesh Development Studies" during 1973-1974]
Bangladesh Economic Studies
Published by Economic Association of Rajshahi University), (Rajshahi)
Current frequency: 1 issue per year
Bangladesh Education Journal
Published by: Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) in collaboration with UNESCO Bangladesh
(Dhaka) and the Institute of Educational Development (IED), BRAC University of Bangladesh
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics
Published by Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bureau of Socio-Economic Research and Training / Bureau of
Socioeconomic Research and Training (Mymensingh)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research
Published by: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), (Gazipur)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy
Published by Bangladesh Economic Association (Dhaka)
Current frequency: quarterly
Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration
Published by Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year (seems to be inactive)
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
Published by the Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (Dhaka)
Note: This journal covers all aspects of scientific, agricultural and industrial research.
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
(The) Bangladesh Rural Development Studies
Published by: Director General of the Rural Development Academy, (Bogra)
Current frequency: 1 issue per year (Vol. 11, No. 1 of year 2005 may be the last issue published)
Bangladeshy Gonogobeshona (Participatory Action Research in Bangladesh)
Published by Research Initiatives, Bangladesh (RIB), (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
Bank Parikrama (A Journal of Banking and Finance)
Published by: Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
BIISS Journal
Published by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year (seems to be inactive; last issue Vol. 26, January 2005)
BIISS Papers
Published by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
(The) Dhaka University Journal of Science
Published by: University of Dhaka (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Development Compilation
Published by: Bangladesh Institute of Professional Studies (BIPS)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Empowerment: A Journal of Women for Women
Published by Women for Women, (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 1 issue per year (Vol. 12 of year 2005 may be last issue published)
Journal of Bangladesh Studies
Published by Bangladesh Development Initiative (Bellevue, WA, United States)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Note: Articles published in the Journal of Bangladesh Studies are (with a lag of four issues) freely available at:
Journal of Business Administration
Published by the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year​
Journal of Business Research
Published by the Department of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University (Savar)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
(The) Journal of Rural Development
Published by the Director General of the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), (Comilla)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Journal of South Asian Development
Published by Sage Publications
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Published by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies
Published by University of Rajshahi, Institute of Bangladesh Studies (Rajshahi, Bangladesh)
Current frequency: unknown
Published by Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies (BILS) (Daka)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
North South Business Review (NSBR)
Published by North South University (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 2 issues per year
Quarterly Bangladesh Foreign Policy Survey
Published by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies
Published by Taylor & Francis for Published for the South Asian Studies Association of Australia
Current frequency: 4 issues per year
Studies in Bangladesh Banking
Published by: Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) (Dhaka)
Current frequency: 1 issue per year
(For other professional development journals that do not focus on Bangladesh development
issues, please see: Selected International Development Journals)
Free Online Development Reports / Country Briefs
Background Note: Bangladesh
Corporate author: U.S. Department of State (Washington, DC, United States)
Current frequency: Annual (approximately)
(Country Overview, Land Resources, Water Resources, Plant Nutrient Resources, etc.)
Corporate author: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Rome, Italy)
Current frequency: Irregular
Bangladesh (extract from World Fact Book)
Corporate author: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Washington, DC, United States)
See: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bg.html
Current frequency: annual
Bangladesh - An Agenda for Action: Status Report
Corporate author: The World Bank, South Asia Region (Washington, DC, United States)
Current frequency: Annual
Bangladesh - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bangladesh Annual Economic Update
Corporate author: The World Bank, South Asia Region (Washington, DC, United States)
Current frequency: Annual
Bangladesh at a Glance
Corporate author: The European Commission’s Delegation to Bangladesh
Current frequency: irregular
Bangladesh at a Glance
Corporate author: The World Bank (Washington, DC, United States)
Current frequency: about twice a year
Bangladesh - European Community: Country Strategy Paper for the period 2007-2013
Corporate author: The European Commission's Delegation to Bangladesh
Current frequency: current strategy covers 2007-2013
Bangladesh Country Brief and Bangladesh Fact Sheet
Corporate author: Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Barton, Australia)
Current frequency: Irregular (for Brief), biannually (for Fact Sheet)
Bangladesh Country Profile
Corporate author: Microfinance Gateway
Current frequency: irregular
Bangladesh Country Strategy and Program (CSP)
Corporate author: Asian Development Bank (Manila, The Philippines)
Current CSP covers 2006-2010; previously annual updates
Bangladesh Factsheet [Country Fact Sheet]
Corporate author: U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) Bangladesh (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Current frequency: irregular (about once a year in February)
Bangladesh Guide
Corporate author: One World UK (London, United Kingdom)
Current frequency: irregular
Bangladesh Microfinance Country Profile
Corporate author: Credit and Development Forum (CDF), (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Current frequency: irregular
Bangladesh Newsletter (Note, this is more than a typical newsletter, hence listed here)
Corporate author: Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh Resident Office (Dhaka)
Current frequency: quarterly
Bangladesh Quarterly Economic Update
Corporate author: Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh Resident Office (Dhaka)
Current frequency: quarterly
Country Information: Bangladesh
Corporate author: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (Berlin, Germany)
Current frequency: Irregular
Country Environmental Profile Information System
Corporate Author: United Nations Environment Programme (Nairobi, Kenya)
Current frequency: Irregular
Country Overview
Corporate author: Board of Investment (BOI) of Bangladesh
Current frequency: irregular
Country Profile Bangladesh
Corporate author: U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) (London, United Kingdom)
Current frequency: Irregular
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Corporate author: United States, Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Current frequency: Annual
Decent Work Pilot Programme -- Country Brief: Bangladesh
Corporate author: International Labour Organization (Geneva, Switzerland)
Current frequency: Irregular
Energy Information: Country Analysis Briefs - Bangladesh
Corporate author: Energy Information Administration, Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government (Washington,
DC, United States)
Current frequency: Annual (approximately)
Financial Sector Review
Corporate author: Bangladesh Bank (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Current frequency: half-yearly (June and December), Vol. 1, No. 1 published in June 2006
FIRST Information Exchange: Bangladesh
Provides information on Bangladesh's financial sector donor projects, a brief description of Bangladesh's financial
sector, and links to financial sector reports and diagnostics from international organizations.
Corporate author: FIRST Initiative
Current frequency: irregular
Mineral Industry of Bangladesh, The
[This is a section on Bangladesh in the annual U.S. Geological Survey Minerals Yearbook]
Corporate author: U.S. Geological Survey (Washington, DC, United States)
Current frequency: Annual (since 1994)
Monetary Policy Review
Corporate author: Bangladesh Bank (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Current frequency: semi-annual (April and October); Vol. 1 No. 1 published in October 2005
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper:
Unlocking the Potential -- National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction
Corporate author: Planning Commission, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Dhaka)
Current frequency: Annual (for PRSP updates; Full PRSP dated October 16, 2005)
Report of the United Nations Resident Coordinator System on Development Activities in
Corporate author: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (New York, United States)
Current frequency: Annual
Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
Corporate author: International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Washington, DC, United States)
Current frequency: Semi-Annual (last Review: November 2006)
Trade Policy Review Bangladesh
Corporate author: World Trade Organization (WTO) (Geneva, Switzerland)
Current frequency: Unknown
Developmental Organizations
a) Excluding government agencies, there are more than 500 developmental
organizations in Bangladesh
For details, please see Directory of Developmental Organizations, Vol. II.A (Asia and the Middle
East), 2008 edition; available at: http://www.devdir.org/ -
For a relatively detailed description of organizations working on HIV/AIDS, see: Compendium of
Institutions in Bangladesh: http://www.searo.who.int/LinkFiles/Initiatives_compendiumBAN.pdf
Some of the most prominent (non-governmental, non-international) developmental
organizations/networks of Bangladesh are:
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS): http://www.bcas.net/
Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI): http://www.bei-bd.org/
Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies (BIDS): http://www.bids-bd.org/
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS): http://www.biiss.org/
BRAC (formerly: Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee): http://www.brac.net/
Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) http://www.bup-bd.org/index.php
Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD): http://www.cpd-bangladesh.org/
D.Net (Development Research Network): http://www.dnet-bangladesh.org/
Grameen Bank: http://www.grameen-info.org/
Policy Research Institute (PRI): http://www.pri-bd.org/
Research Initiatives, Bangladesh (RIB): http://www.rib-bangladesh.org/
Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) Bangladesh: http://www.sdnbd.org/
b) For the 32 Bangladesh-based representatives of bilateral and multilateral
donors, please see: http://www.lcgbangladesh.org/
c) Organizations Outside Bangladesh
Excluding the many bilateral and multilateral donors and aid organizations, some of the organizations
specifically related to Bangladesh development issues are:
American Association of Bangladeshi Engineers and Architects (AABEA): http://aabeat.com/cms/
American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS): http://www.aibs.net/
Anwarul Quadir Foundation (AQF): http://www.quadir.org/
Association for Economic & Development Studies on Bangladesh: http://www.aedsb.org/
Bangladesh Development Initiative (BDI): http://www.bdiusa.org/
Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC): http://www.bangladeshstudies.org/
Bangladeshi American Foundation, Inc. (BAFI): http://www.bafi.org/
Grameen Bank Support Group Australia: http://www.grambangla.com/
Grameen Foundation: http://www.grameenfoundation.org/
NETZ Partnerschaft für Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit e.V.: http://www.netz-bangladesh.de/
Volunteers Association for Bangladesh (VAB): http://www.vabonline.org
US-Bangladesh Advisory Council: http://www.usbac.org/
Note: Like the BDRC, most of these organizations provide links to broader resources & information about
Bangladesh, for example, the BDI provides: Resources on Bangladesh on the Web
​Universities in Bangladesh
Did you know that there are more than 110 universities in Bangladesh?
And a relatively new university “Asian University for Women” commenced in September 2009.
The following are some resources related to Universities in Bangladesh.
For a List, Summary Data, and Websites of Universities in Bangladesh, please see:
Universities of Bangladesh
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (List of universities in Bangladesh)
For another list of Bangladesh’s Universities by city, please see:
IndiaEdu’s “Educational Institutions Resource Bank”
For a 2008 Web Popularity Ranking of some 70 Universities in Bangladesh, please see:
4 International Colleges & Universities
For some information about studying in Bangladesh, please see:
Bangla2000’s “Study in Bangladesh”
For issues related to standards of teaching and research in public and private universities of Bangladesh, please see:
University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh