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“The subject of rural unemployment as well as of low
productivity rural employment remains relevant even now.”


Nurul Islam (2003) Exploration in Development Issues, page 4  



Dr. Bernhard Gunter


Assistant Professor

Econ. Dept., American University


Dr. A. F. M. Ataur Rahman


Professor of Economics

North South University

The BDRC is a non-profit research organization, incorporated with the specific purpose to undertake and disseminate research on development issues relevant for Bangladesh in order to foster the peaceful development of nations.

The BDRC has been founded in January 2007, by Dr. Bernhard G. Gunter, after more than 15 years of research and/or development work at various universities and international organizations (including the African Development Bank, the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the World Bank). In order for the BDRC to concentrate on research, the BDRC does not have members; instead, it is governed by a Board of Directors.  

The BDRC supports the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. The BDRC believes strongly that the Bangladeshi people are able to lead their country's development policies and strategies. The BDRC supports capacity building as well as indigenous knowledge.

The BDRC is an independent research organization. The BDRC does not get involved in politics, neither in Bangladesh, nor in any other country. Therefore, the BDRC does not accept any funds from a) the Government of Bangladesh and b) from any political party in Bangladesh or any other country.

The BDRC is run by volunteers/unpaid staff. Since its creation in 2007, the BDRC has never paid any of its staff or researchers. Furthermore, we have been donated free office space. Given these arrangements, the BDRC is one of the most cost-effective research centers in the world (our annual budget is typically below $1,000). Thus far, more than 100 persons have provided their expertise to the BDRC for free. However, we have some costs related to professional services provided to the BDRC, like the hosting of the BDRC website).

The BDRC is interested to cooperate with developmental research organizations, think tanks, and foundations in Bangladesh and elsewhere. The first formal agreement for some cooperation has been signed between the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) and the Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC) on August 28, 2007 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The BDRC is interested to cooperate with all bilateral and multilateral donors and development agencies working on and in Bangladesh. Thanks to many volunteers, the BDRC is highly cost-effective in any research it undertakes.

The BDRC welcomes comments and suggestions as well as alerts from researchers about missing or forthcoming studies; please contact: While the BDRC may not be able to reply to every message, we aim at replying to any question within three business days (replies may take longer during vacation and travel times of key staff members). Please see our "Contact" for further information.

Given our current volunteer nature, we have no paid job offers. Furthermore, we are unable to participate in any of the professional/social networks, like LinkedIn or Facebook.

Board of Directors
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